Being Human

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How to Set Ambitious & Achievable Goals!

Do you have dead people’s goals?

⏺ “I want to stop feeling anxious, angry, sad, guilty.”
⏺ “I want to stop making mistakes.”
⏺ “I want to stop being stressed.”
⏺ “I want to stop procrastinating.”

These are dead people’s goals.
While these goals are understandable, they can be counterproductive because they emphasize absence over action. Essentially, a dead person can achieve these goals by simply not existing.

➡ Only dead people never experience unwanted feelings.
➡ Only dead people never fail or make mistakes.
➡ Only dead people never get broken hearts.
➡ Only dead people are never disappointed.

Living people do sometimes. We all do. It’s part of what it means to be human.

When we set goals for ourselves that are impossible to reach, we inevitably fall short. We become disappointed, frustrated, and often overly critical and self-punishing.

So, let’s set up Living People Goals.
✅ Think about what you want, not what you don’t want.
✅ Focus on what you can do, not what you cannot.
✅ Shift your attention to actions that enhance your life and work.
These goals align with living a fulfilling, values-driven life.

🔄 Instead of “I will not be anxious anymore,” try “I will make space for this feeling, practice emotional curiosity, and focus on value-based actions.”
🔄 Instead of "I want to stop avoiding difficult conversations," try "I want to build my communication skills, listen actively, and express my needs and opinions more clearly."
🔄 Instead of “I need to stop missing deadlines,” try “I want to establish a project timeline, prioritize my tasks, and plan for potential obstacles.”

Reflect on your current goals. Are they Dead People Goals or Living People Goals? 💭
And remember: Never set a goal that a dead person can do better than you!

Let’s Talk

Are you interested in getting more clarity regarding your goals? Are you ready to build a plan on how to achieve them? Get in touch—we can discuss your needs and goals and find ways to personalize this process so you can get the most out of it.